Este é o espaço da KALAM para partilhar a sua experiência, notícias e informações sobre reabilitação de edifícios e restauro do património. Esperamos que o seu conteúdo seja útil para profissionais e público interessado, amantes da arte e da beleza que a nossa história nos legou. Juntos, apostamos e construímos um futuro sustentável que passa pela utilização e valorização do nosso património edificado.

Aqui encontrará artigos especializados, downloads e outros conteúdos que esperamos que sejam do seu interesse.

Histórico de notícias

Estas informações são publicadas em inglês e português

  • 2024 video

    2024, um percurso por algumas das nossas obras

    Ao encerrarmos 2024, a KALAM recorda um ano repleto de projetos marcantes, incluindo intervenções emblemáticas como o restauro das fachadas da Giralda de Sevilha, vencedora do Prémio Hispania Nostra 2024 e a reabilitação e restauro da Casa do Labrador no Palácio Real de Aranjuez, também……

  • Campus Universidad Europea, Valência

    Campus universitário no coração de Valência

    A Universidad Europea promoveu a criação do seu novo campus urbano em Valência, numa localização atraente que faz fronteira com o centro histórico e o antigo leito do rio Turia. A equipa de profissionais da KALAM, em UTE com Vialterra, realizou esta ambiciosa intervenção de……

  • Video cover

    KALAM Video Presentation

    We have updated our presentation video, incorporating some recent outstanding works and the evolution of the company’s internationalisation in recent years, to share it with our team and with all the professionals with whom we continue to build this shared trajectory. The presentation takes a……

  • Olbrich Botanical Gardens Royal Thai Pavilion Roof Replacement project

    The KALAM US team is carrying out work to replace the roof of the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Royal Thai Pavilion in Madison, Wisconsin. The scaffolding that will allow the work to be done over the winter has now been installed. The first preparation, inspection and……

  • Convite aberto para o Prémio Rafael Manzano de Nova Arquitectura Tradicional

    Convite aberto para o Prémio Rafael Manzano de Nova Arquitectura Tradicional

    O Prémio Rafael Manzano de Nova Arquitectura Tradicional está aberto à apresentação de candidaturas, que devem ser apresentadas até 25 de abril de 2024. É atribuído a profissionais que trabalhem em Portugal e Espanha com base na contribuição que tenham dado no domínio da arquitetura……

  • Rehabilitación Integral edificios en Atocha, Madrid

    Comprehensive rehabilitation of two historic buildings in the center of Madrid

    Our division of Comprehensive Rehabilitation of buildings is executing several interventions simultaneously in the center of Madrid. On this occasion, we share the on-going process of these important works promoted by Mazabi that our team is developing in two buildings located in the central Atocha street in……

  • Enrique nuere and strapwork carpentry

    We look arround the Strapwork Carpentry through Enrique Nuere’s glance Enrique Nuere Matauco, who joined the KALAM team as senior advisor in September 2021, tells us about his experience with strapwork carpentry in two volumes, “The Carpentry that Interlaced  with My Life” and “From Castilla to the New World.” ……

  • KALAM takes part in the Tic Cámaras program

    During this year 2022 we have been working on the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, with the aim of further improving our organization and control of our procedures. We have had the support of the TIC Cámaras program, of the Chamber of Madrid,……

  • Preservation works in the Cathedral of Seville

    This week the KALAM team is restarting restoration work on the north facade of the Giralda bell tower (and former minaret) in Seville, which had to be suspended due to the pandemic. We take the opportunity to share some pictures of the work that our……

  • Recovery of historical buildings, energy efficiency and environment

    The recovery of historical buildings is a sustainable act by itself, in the repurposing of existing built heritage in cities, generating a minimum impact on their environment through the reuse of structures, materials and land. This also contributes significantly to the guidelines of the Agenda 2030,……

  • Simposio Científico Internacional Seguridad en el Patrimonio en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid

    Proceedings book of the international scientific symposium safety in heritage

    On the occasion of the publication of the book of proceedings, we would like to recall here the International Scientific Symposium Security in Heritage, an event in which we poured effort and enthusiasm to create a space in which to share and debate such relevant……


    Ibero-American Heritage Collection

    KALAM periodically publishes special editions to disseminate relevant and interesting topics among heritage managers and architects, being editors together with our editorial teams – graduates in History of Art, Fine Arts and technical specialists – and with the direct collaboration of prestigious scholars and managers……

  • Inside the restoration of “Historia de Concepción” mural

    Kalam’s team has put in practice the restoration of the mural “Historia de Concepción” made with fresco technique between 1943 and 1946 by the expert of Chilean muralism Gregorio de la Fuente and declared Historic Monument in 2009. Originally it decorated the lounge destined……

  • Restoration work begins in the Sagrario church of the Cathedral of Seville

    The Cabildo of S.M.P. Cathedral Church of Seville has once again trusted in KALAM for a new intervention in the World Heritage ensemble. The restoration and underpinning of the Sagrario Church is an important work that is undertaken after four years of study on the……

  • Rehabilitación del edificio en Bailén 37, Madrid

    Bailén 37: rehabilitation of a historic building in the Palacio district

    KALAM has intervened in the rehabilitation of the 1880 building located at 37 Bailén Street in Madrid. Our professionals have addressed its restoration returning the functionality of this building with the renovation of its facilities, improving its accessibility and optimizing the space for the creation……

  • La Giralda de Sevilla: restoration, research and documentation

    From 16 October, a complete exhibition on the restoration process of the Giralda tower, which is being carried out, can be seen as part of the visit to the Cathedral of Seville. The set of interventions that have been carried out since 2015, aims……

  • Contemporary design and character of a historic building in the centre of Madrid

    Among the services offered by KALAM, the integral rehabilitation of buildings stands out. We refer to interventions in which our professionals cover a large number of works and scope in a single action to return a use or allow a new one in the best……

  • Dias de treinamento

    New days of training and dissemination of traditional techniques and trades

    Through the School of Craft Trades of KALAM, EOAK, we participate and organize days of dissemination of knowledge about traditional techniques and crafts. Victor Carnero, Director of Procedures and Head of EOAK, was in charge of sharing with the attendees of the last edition of……

  • Europa Nostra 2018 Award in the Conservation Category

    The latest edition of the European Union Cultural Heritage Awards, granted by the European Commission and Europa Nostra, has awarded three projects in Spain. In the Conservation Category, the award was granted to the restoration of the façade of the San Ildefonso School in Alcalá……

  • Restoration of the exterior facades of the Banco de España complex in Madrid

    The work on the façades of the Banco de España (Bank of Spain) in Madrid has recently been completed. This building was built during successive phases and an extension was later added, until the current structure and configuration were completed. The oldest elements of the……

  • Rehabilitation of the high halls of the Sacristy and offices of the tabernacle of the Sevi …

    After the completion of a prior phase where the foundations of the northern and eastern areas of the Capitular Library of Colombina were reinforced, the Supreme Council of the S.M.P. Cathedral of Seville once again entrusted Kalam with carrying out the restoration of the High……

  • Curso de arquitectura tradicional realizado en Cantabria

    KALAM shares its experience with our future professionals

    KALAM has participated in Cantabria in a new edition of the Summer Course of Traditional Architecture organized by INTBAU and the Prize Rafael Manzano. Two of our specialists, Fernando Aranda and Manuel Montañés, have shared their knowledge and the experience of Kalam in the implementation……

  • Completion of the work on the Spanish Embassy in Havana

    Last April, Kalam’s work on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation was received in the former Velasco Sarrá Palace in Havana, home of the Spanish Embassy in Cuba. This delivery concluded the work of restoring all the building’s enclosures, roofs and façades, both exterior……

  • KALAM worked on a modern jewel to improve energy efficiency

    The work of updating the buildings that represent our past to contemporary standards always presents complexities that need to be addressed with experience, knowledge and appropriate work. One of our newer heritage works, despite being from the twentieth century, is no exception. Rather, on the……